Angua Forestal

Cultivation of Hardwoods and Production of High-End Parquet and Flooring

Angua Forestal, Sustainable Production

 Project Guidelines

Angua Forestal is developing the “SANCE” project in north-eastern Argentina, near the town of Ituzaingó, in the province of Corrientes. It consists of the planting, cultivation and maintenance of more than one million trees of valuable native tropical species, complemented by a smaller percentage of exotic species. Play our video.


Angua Forestal Plantation

In the northern province of Corrientes, Argentina, Angua has carried out ten successive annual campaigns to plant, replace and maintain a large number of trees of subtropical species native to the area, some of which are currently endangered in their natural state.

As a result, there are now more than a million trees of valuable species in various stages of growth.

We have gained valuable experience along the way:

We have developed our own process for domesticating native tree species to improve growth rates, height, diameter and trunk straightness. This unprecedented process is now being used by Argentina’s National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA).

We have significantly exceeded the target of zero net deforestation, while contributing to climate change mitigation by sequestering 150,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

We have recreated the biodiversity of a natural forest by planting seven different tree species, avoiding monocultures. One of the positive consequences of this and other good practices used in the project has been the return of wildlife.

We have developed our own process for domesticating native tree species to improve growth rates, height, diameter and trunk straightness. This unprecedented process is now being used by Argentina’s National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA).

We have significantly exceeded the target of zero net deforestation, while contributing to climate change mitigation by sequestering 150,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

We have recreated the biodiversity of a natural forest by planting seven different tree species, avoiding monocultures. One of the positive consequences of this and other good practices used in the project has been the return of wildlife.


Manufacture of Parquet and Flooring

Thanks to the process described above, the company now guarantees the supply and traceability of raw materials for the production of more than 20 million square metres of high-end wooden flooring.

The finished product consists of a plywood base and a hardwood top layer, with a great appearance and high stability.
It is available in various widths and formats.

Purging Cassia (peltophorum dubium)

It is a high-density wood (900kg/m3) with a pink ocre to dark pink colour and a beautiful grain.
Hard, strong and elastic, heavy and weather resistant.

Pink Trumpet (Hanbroanthus Heptaphyllus)

It is a high-density wood (1050kg/m3) with a dark brown colour with green tones and straight grain.
It is a hard wood, very resistant to knocks, wear, fungi and insects.

Golden Trumpet (Hanbroanthus Albus)

It is a high-density wood (990kg/m3) with a green-yellow colour.
It is a hard wood, very resistant to knocks, weathering and general wear.

River Red Gum (eucaliptus camaldulensis)

It is a medium/high-density wood (830kg/m3) with a deep red to pink colour.
It is a hard wood, resistant to wear, knocks and weathering.

Angua Forestal is a sustainable project

Because, as well as planting trees and growing plant fibres, we contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable planet in many other ways.

Contact Angua Forestal


Getting in touch with Angua Forestal is very easy. You can use our contact details or fill in the form below

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Office: Calle Juan Cabanilles 11-13. Oficina 404
29018, Málaga
+34 607 378 535


Office: Avda. de los Shyris nº35-174 y Suecia, oficina 1403 - Edificio Renazzo Plaza, 170505, Quito
Production Center: Km. 24 Vía a Quinindé, entrada a la Parroquia Valle Hermoso, Cantón Santo Domingo, Provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchila
+593 98 389 9641


Production Center: Camino Alternativo (Exruta Nacional nº12), Km 1269 - Ituzaingo, Corrientes
+54 9 378 641 7222